Martine Bakker, Marieke Berkers, Rob van der Bijl,
Mark Hendriks (editor in chief), Marc Nolden, Anne Seghers
Selection committee
Florian Boer, Patrick McCabe, Joks Janssen (chairman),
Hanneke Kijne, Anne Seghers
Paperback, full colour
Dutch / English
ISBN 978-9492-474-940, NUR 648
December 2017
Dutch landscape architects and urban planners are tackling major issues of the day, such as climate change and urban renewal, and yet they continue to design and deliver pleasing and attractive public spaces. The Yearbook of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design in the Netherlands presents 19 outstanding projects that reflect the current state of affairs.
Lavishly illustrated, the Yearbook contains clear descriptions of the selected projects, a report on the selection committee’s considerations, an essay on meeting the acute housing needs in the Netherlands, an interview with urban designer Edzo Bindels of West 8, and a photo reportage on rural dereliction.
The press about previous yearbooks
My compliments on the concise texts that get right to the heart of the design approach. The attractive illustrations make the reader wish they’d been on the jury’s bus trip.
Excellent reference work and up to date too. All in all an absolute must-have.
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