Please contact
Jolanda Ruegebrink, Caroline Sanders (Medialijn)
M +31 650 858 057
Harry Harsema ('scape magazine, blauwdruk publishers)
M + 31 651290704
rates full color
2/1 page: EUR 1800,-
1/1 page: EUR 1250,-
1/2 page: EUR 650,-
Prices include full colour, exclude VAT
size (width x height)
1/1 page full page 170 x 240 mm
certified-pdf file on cd, including high resolution print
Advertisements are to be delivered to the editor
'scape magazine
Uitgeverij Blauwdruk, Arthur Koolkwartier 19
6711 JC Ede, the Netherlands
T +31 318 784 730